How will I know the bus schedule?

Each school year the Transportation Department sends out postcards with your child's school bus information. Expect this postcard in Mid-August. If any information on this card is incorrect, or if you need to make changes to your child's information, please call Transportation at (315) 642-0331.

Postcards are mailed out to all students in the school district in August with your child's pick-up and drop-off information. *** REMEMBER, these times are approximate and are subject to change throughout the school year. ***

Are there seatbelts on school buses?

Yes, there are seatbelts on all IRCSD school buses, however there is no policy that the student must wear them. If you would like your child to wear a seatbelt on the bus, you must sign a consent form that will be kept on file in the transportation office for the current school year only. The school bus driver will then check to be sure that your child puts one on, but you need to enforce with your son or daughter that you expect them to keep it on!

Can my child ride another bus?

**Bus Passes****Parents need to send a note to school with their child to give them permission to ride another bus. Students cannot be dropped off any place except their designated stop without a bus pass from their school. Bus passes are issued in these instances:**1. Emergency purposes ( with Administrator approval) 2. Relative within attendance zone 3. **Certified daycare ****No phone calls will be taken at Transportation or Dispatch to change your child's stop location, these changes must go through the school they attend.**Should you need to pick your child up from school at the end of the day, please contact the school your child attends to receive the procedures designed to assist parents. If the procedures are followed no conflict shall occur with bus loading or school dismissal operations.

Will the bus take my child to a babysitter?

Yes...If the child care provider is within our school district boundaries and within the attendance zone of the school your child attends. You must make arrangements with your school and transportation in advance. Our goal is to be sure that your child is on the right bus and taken to the right place. Contact the appropriate school building then follow the call with a note so that a bus pass can be written.

Are there cameras on the bus and may I watch the videos?

The IRCSD has installed video cameras on every school bus in the district. The videos are used by building administrators to follow up on complaints received from students and parents. The NYS Education Department has said that only school personnel can view the videos due to the privacy rights of the other students, however, if you have a concern, you can request any school administrator or teacher to view a video for you.

Can the bus come back to get a child that missed the bus?

Short answer.. No. The buses run on a very tight schedule, with time as a big factor. We have other children waiting outside, in the weather, for their bus and we need to arrive at school on time. A large number of our students start their school day with breakfast, etc., so timing, shall we say, is everything.

Why does it take so long for my child to get home on a late bus?

IRCSD provides late buses for the High School and Middle School. The High and Middle School late buses are run together: 3:15 & 4:00 PM. There are five buses on each shift. Late buses are for children staying beyond the regular school day for extra academic help, extra curricular activities, or sports related activities.

The buses are covering a very large district, and if there are a large number of students on board, the ride can be very long. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. The 3:15 Buses do not actually leave the building until 3:30 & the 4:00's don't leave until 4:15.
  2. The average ride time for these routes are 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Here are some things you can do to help:

  1. Ask your children to let you know if they plan to stay after school.
  2. Ask which bus schedule they are riding (3:15's or 4:00's).
  3. Let them know you expect them to come straight home! (Children have occasionally ridden a 4:00 when they could easily have gone home on the 3:15's.) Some students have gone home with friends instead of coming home. The driver does not have a "roster" of children and may not know where your child lives; therefore, he/she must rely on your child to let them know.
How will I know if school is delayed, closed or closing early?

If the delay, closing or early dismissal is planned, it should be listed on the school calendar, followed up with an announcement from your school. If it is caused by weather, look for announcements on the following radio/television stations. Remember, the school district is quite large, even though the weather may be fine were you are, there could be severe weather in another part of the district. Please make a habit of listening to the radio, television or Internet a regular part of your morning routine.

Local Television Stations WWNY - TV 7 - Watertown

WWTI - TV 50 - Watertown

Local Radio Stations WTNY - AM 790 - Watertown

WSLU - FM 89.5 - Canton

WPAC - FM 92.5 - Gouverneur

WOTT - FM 100.7 - Watertown

WBDR - FM 102.7 - Watertown

WNCQ - FM 102.9 - Watertown

WANT - AM 1240 - Watertown

WIGS - AM 1400- Watertown

WCIZ - AM 1410 - Watertown

Internet Site

When the school district announces a one or two hour delay, this means the school buses will be dispatched starting one or two hours later. Parents should be aware that any other en route delays can make the bus later yet. Quick calculations: If the school is delayed two hours and your bus usually come at 6:15, it will come at about 8:15, etc.

When school is forced to close early, and your child needs to go to another person's home for temporary care, you must have this information on file in the office at the building where your child attends school. In any of these conditions, personal contact with each parent is virtually impossible - please monitor the TV or Radio Stations listed above.

If school is delayed or closed, what does that mean for out-of-district buses?

Any students that attend school in Indian River are bused to school buildings outside of the district. For example: Private and Parochial schools, Jefferson Technical School and some Special Education classes. If the Indian River School District is closed due to weather conditions, no transportation will be provided. If your child's school is open on that day, you may want to contact the school in regards to absence procedures.